September 02, 2010

Eclipse quote

Eclipse Quote
Aku berharap mudah-mudahan aku bisa sekuat yang dikatakannya. Kuat, cepat dan yang terpenting cantik. Seseorang yang bisa berdiri disisi Edward dan merasa dirinya memang pantas berada disana. - Bella -

Two futures, two soul mates, too much for any one person... - Bella -

All of my best nights have happened since I met you - Edward Cullen -

Until your heart stop beating, Bella.I'll be here fighting. - Jacob -
You mean as much as I'd love to kill you, I'm glad she's warm, right ? - Jacob -

Twilight Quote
Satu hal yang kutahu, Aku mencintainya dan cinta itu sangat dalam dan tanpa syarat. - Bella -

I'll never forgive myself for leaving you. Not if I live a hundred thousand years. - Edward Cullen -
If I could dream at all, it would be about you. - Edward Cullen -
I promise to love you forever and every single day of forever - Edward Cullen -

Wise Quotes

Jangan marah pada dirimu sendiri karena kamu tidak bisa membuat orang lain menjadi seperti yang kamu inginkan. Tetapi marahlah pada dirimu sendiri bila kamu tidak dapat membuat dirimu menjadi seperti yang kamu inginkan. - Thomas a Kempis -

To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only one end of life. - Robert Louis Stevenson-

Bukan gunung yang harus kita taklukan, melainkan diri kita sendiri. - Sir Edmund Hillary -

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself . - Leo Tolstoy -

Ketika sebuah pintu tertutup, seringkali kita terlalu lama memandangi pintu yang tertutup itu dengan penuh penyesalan sehingga kita tidak melihat pintu lain yang sedang terbuka untuk kita. - Alexander Graham Bell -

Ketika kau dilahirkan, kau menangis dan dunia bergembira. Jalanilah hidupmu sehingga ketika kau mati, dunia menangis dan kau bergembira. - Pepatah India -

holiday !

Mohon maaf lahir dan batin ! ^^
today is the last day to go to school. I have 2 weeks for holiday. It's fantastic ! Just wanna sleep and eat  and sleep again and eat again. haha

Today is a great day ! wooo. how can i explain and show it ? hmm.. just say " i can do it , i can do it. " like spongebob . I don't be a crybaby who cry and sad everyday only because this problems. NO. You have your life and I have mine . You do whatever you want, and I don't care. Absolutely it's hard but it doesn't mean that I can't to solve them. It's me now. Have many friends and ready to face my future. I hope, I can ensure myself to survive. hmm. one message for today, DON'T THINK TOO MUCH.. (: