Januari 11, 2011

contoh lembar pengesahan makalah

Judul           : Bahaya Lensa Kontak
Penyusun    : Venus
1.              Anto
2.              Arie
3.              Olivia
4.              Paulina
5.              Pardianto
Kelas : XII IPA
Sekolah: SMA YADIKA 2

Judul tersebut telah dibaca dan disetujui.

                                                                                    Jakarta, 10 Januari 2011

    Guru Pembimbing                                      Penyusun   

Yessy Gultom, S.Pd                                       Anto

contoh video self making

Beautiful Church in Dadap
          Hello guys, join again with me, Paulina Wininda in travel’s channel. Now you can see guys that we are already at the Catholic Church. If you want to know more about this church, stay with me.
          The name of this church is St. Vincentius Palloti. This church is located in Villa Taman Bandara. This is called the biggest catholic church in dadap. Come on, come in.
          It was built in 2006 and it takes around 2 years to building it. This church can be seated for 1500 people. It spent approximately 5 billon rupiahs. There are also Maria’s cave and a hall. This is the beautiful church in dadap. We always go to this church every Sunday morning.
          Okay, it’s all about St. Vincentius Palloti. If you want to know more about this church, you can come to here. Oh, time is over. See you next time in next travel. Bye bye. (: