Desember 13, 2010

I miss chain of that moments.

I don't know, but I totally miss that, when I was in x3. many friends, and i don't have to be so hostile.. Do you know what friends are for ? sorry for all what i have do. I am not prefect, I have manyyyyy mistakes absolutely. I have to have friends. and They want to tell me, which good ones or bad ones ? the people who always around and make you happy when you are sad. the people sincerely noticed you. hahaha i miss that moment when we gather to play. ^^
time is so slow for those who wait. very fast for those who are scared.

you never too old to learn !

we need someone to care !

Hidup dapat berubah disetiap tarikan napasmu

Better late than never

Tidak ada yang terjadi dengan sendirinya, kita harus mengerti bahwa semua terwujud karena diri kita, karena usaha kita .

Tak perlu menunggu keadaan luar biasa untuk melakukan perbuatan baik, cobalah lakukan disaat" biasa.

Nikmatilah hidupmu, karena kamu tak pernah tahu kapan hidup itu akan berakhir.

Desember 09, 2010


God , You are my only savior. You make my world so beautiful . Absolutely , sometime I find myself that I angry cause I don't get what I want. But now I'm so grateful for what I have.I know You will give me the best. I surrender all. Let my self to believe You and You will lead my way.
Love you God (:

Desember 03, 2010

me and unforgettable friends

me and tya when in ragunan. (:

 me and tiles when suriyanti b'dae in pluit village o"o

me and olivia when watching movie :D

chain of memories in yadika :D

X - 3
this foto is taken when class meeting in lobby.
teacher : Frau Pirda

XI Exact
this foto is taken in our class.
teacher : Mrs. Yulia Safitri (english teacher)

XII Exact
taken in our class.
Teacher : Mr. Edy Purnama (Biology teacher)

are you happy ?

Friday, Dec 3rd 2010.
spend my lecture time with my precious friends
Absolutely, today isn’t the last day of examination, but I feel that it’s all over dan finish. Haha. Today I and my friends went watching movie : harry potter and the deathly hallow part I. we went there after out of school. The studio was very crowded. Ultimately, we sat on the front row of the seat. Doesn’t matter for me because I hadn’t come to English club. I was eager to go watching that movie. The movie spent 2 ½ hours. I love that time when I and my bestfren gather and spend the time with happiness and laugh. I won’t forget them. They always beside me to face and cope the problems . we are sad and happy together. Hahahaha * im so puitissss,..Okay , that's all for today. see u later. bye.

November 19, 2010

be happy, more happier and be the happinest !

LOVE MUCH. You can be happy if you have love and affection. you can't do anything without that matters. Love and affection can't be separated. Love doesn't present to boy or girl friend only. Love can be given to your family, your friends, the people in this world. you can give affection to the beggar also. It is very worthy. God will give His love for those people also.

GIVE FREELY. If you give something to your parents, friends, or someone who you care , you ought to give it with affection . Trust that they are happy for your given although the matter is simple.Don't be stingy because yours it not yours, all of it is given by God. So give freely to others.

LAUGH A LOT. Don't be sad along for the problems you have. Just enjoying your life. Play with your friends, watch and do amazing matters. Always grateful for what you have, and you will be happy for what you have. Don't think too much, guys (:

WORK HARD. don't be lazy. you will never get what you want if you don't want to try. Try is hard but you will get the best thing after that.

SPEAK GENTLY. Don't be rude. Every your word is meaningful. If you speak rudely, it can hurt another.

BE KIND. If you do all of the list , you will be a kind person. Everyone like you, because no one like wicked people. So, be kind ^^

God bless~

November 13, 2010

Kasih - L. Putut

Andaikan aku fasih berbicara,
Namun tak punya cinta kasih,
Ku bagai gong yang bergaung.

Andai imanku mampu pindahkan gunung,
Namun tak punya cinta kasih,
Ku tiada berguna.

Kasih itu sabar, murah hati,
Percaya, tak angkuh dan tak dengki.
Kasih itu tak memegahkan diri,
Kasih itu kekal serta abadi.

Andaikan aku mendermakan hartaku,
Namun tak punya cinta kasih,
Tiada berartilah aku.

Kasih itu sabar, murah hati,
Percaya, tak angkuh dan tak dengki.
Kasih itu tak memegahkan diri,
Kasih itu kekal serta abadi.

Happy bdae Olive.

wish u get scholarship to study in Germany. Don't forget us. God bless you ^^

Happy b'dae TYA

I woke up at 5.00am but i slept again. and someone called me at 6.00am. I picked up the phone and remember that we would give you surprise, tya. ^^

I can ensure myself that the cake is delicious. haha. I can't forget the moment, when the cake flied to tya's face. hahaha :D
happy birthday my best friend. wish you have a wonderful life and future. ^^ God bless you. (:

Oktober 29, 2010

don't be arrogant

jangan bangga dengan tempat tidur mewah dan empuk karena tempat tidur kita yang terakhir adalah " TANAH"
jangan bangga dengan rumah mewah karena rumah terakhir kita adalah "KUBURAN"
jangan bangga dengan gelar kita karena gelar terakhir kita adalah "ALMARHUM(alm)
jangan bangga dengan wajah ganteng atau cantik karena wajah kita yang terakhir adalah " TENGKORAK"
jangan bangga dengan mobil mewah anda, karena mobil terakhir anda adalah " AMBULANCE"
jangan bangga dengab handphone mahal atau canggih karena alat komunikasi yang bisa menyelematkan kita adalah "DOA"

ex: gatal ditangan kiri tidak mungkin kita garuk dengan tangan kiri. kita membutuhkan tangan kanan.
maka dari itu, janganlah kita menjadi sombong. Hanya Tuhan Yesus ang pantas membanggakan mujizatNya. ^^
Godloves you. (:

Oktober 24, 2010

read this ,

jalan menuju BAHAGIA dan SUKSES tidak selalu lurus, ada TIKUNGAN bernama KEGAGALAN. ada BUNDARAN bernama KEBINGUNGAN, ada TANJAKAN bernama LAWAN, ada LAMPU MERAH bernama MUSUH, kita akan mengalami ban KEMPES dan PECAH itulah HIDUP. tapi jika kita membawa BAN SEREP bernama TEKAD, MESIN bernama KETEKUNAN, ASURANSI bernama IMAN, dan PENGEMUDI bernama YESUS. maka kita akan sampai didaerah yang di sebut "SETIA, SUKSES, dan BAHAGIA" . Gb.

Harta yang paling berharga adalah IMAN. teman yang paling setia adalah KASIH. bahasa yang paling indah adalah SYUKUR. kekuatan yang paling besar adalah DOA.

Jadikan CINTA KASIH dan KETULUSAN sebagai prinsip-prinsip utama dalam hidup, maka TERANGLAH hati kita dalam melihat kehidupan dengan sesama, (Luk 11:37-41)

Tuhan tidak menjanjikan kehidupan yang bebas dari masalah. yang Tuhan janjikan adalah kemenangan atas segala masalah. 1Kor10:13

Oktober 04, 2010

Humor. Humor. Humor

semakin baik

seorang anak kecil yang sedang duduk di pangkuan opanya, memperhatikan dengan seksama, bahwa pipi opa nya sudah banyak kerutnya. maka ia bertanya :
Anak : Opa, apa Tuhan menciptakan Opa?
Opa : ya sayang, Tuhan menciptakan opa beberapa puluhtahun yang lalu.
anak : opa, apa Tuhan juga menciptakan aku?
opa : tentu sayang, beberapa waktu kemudian Tuhan juga menciptkanmu.
anak : ternyata buatan Tuhan semakin lama semakin baik ya opa.......

budi : Budi tidak sengaja buu.... Maafkan budi buuuu..
ibu : ya sudah , ayo kita segera kabur dari sini.....


Happiness First

From Mario Teguh

. ikhlas menjadikan diri untuk kebahagiaan orang lain
. trimalah masalah apa adanya dengan ramah. mintalah pundak yang kuat untuk masalah yang besar bukan masalah yang dikecilkan.
. seorang muda yang lurus adalah dia tidak tahu nasibku tapi aku akan buat nasibku sebagai raja sehingga dia mudah untuk dibentuk.

tujuan hidup :
untuk lebih berguna bagi lebih banyak orang.


buatlah cita cita sebesar mungkin kemudian buat alamat untuk menuju cita cita itu.

tidak ada kewajiban untuk berhasil , yang ada adalah kewajiban untuk mencoba. apapun yang terjadi dalam hidup kita biarlah kita berpersangka baik.

carilah kebahagiaan dari dalam diriNya karena kebahagiaan itu menjadi milik kita . syukuri apa yang punya anda.

jangan tolak penderitaan karena tidak enak rasanya karena Tuhan memberi kita kesenangan melalui kesedihan. Caranya adalah MENGASIHI.
" ikhlas lah menjadi pelayan bagi orang lain lalu berserahlah pada Tuhan menanti hasilnya.

September 13, 2010

Hatimu penentu bahagiamu

From Mario Teguh

Marilah kita menjadi baik sebelum waktu menjadi baik itu hilang .

Mana yang harus lebih didahulukan, bekerja untuk sekarang atau beribadah untuk masa depan ?
Kamu tidak dapat memilih salah satunya. Bekerja tanpa iman adalah sia-sia. Maka kau harus bekerja dengan sejujur-jujurnya sehingga bermanfaat bagi sesama. Ini merupakan ibadah, lalu kita dapat membangun "rumah" disurga sedikit demi sedikit. 

Bagaimana mengendalikan emosi agar bisa menjadi bahagia ?
jangan berbuat baik hanya pada waktu tertentu, seperti saat berpuasa. Lakukanlah perbuatan baik disetiap saat. Ikhlaskan diri dan biarkan kita menolong oranglain. 

Bagaimana menjadikan bahagia orang lain bisa membuat kita bahagia ?
Bahagia itu ada 2 : 
1. yang disebabkan oleh diri kita
2. yang disebabkan oleh orang lain
Sahabat sejati dilihat dari keikhlasan hatinya melihat sahabatnya lebih tinggi/berhasil dari dirinya.Upayakan diri kita menjadi penyebab kebahagiaan. Bersyukur dengan diri kita.

Cara memaafkan dengan ikhlas :
Anda tidak mungkin mampu mengampuni tanpa mengasihi. 
Jadikan diri kita biasa-biasa saja

Kesedihan dihilangkan melalui pikiran baik. Maka bangun hati yang baik melalui pikiran baik pula.

September 08, 2010

frame made by me (:

This is made by me for Mba Anii. ^^ just wanna say "SELAMAT IDUL FITRI", Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin. (:

September 05, 2010

Dear God - Avenge Sevenfold lyric

My favorite song.

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
’Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city sleeps
and all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
’Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade...

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
’Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

dufan dufan dufan.

another unforgettable moment

dufan again. i went to dufan on Friday sep 3th 2010. We were Olivia, Januar, Tiara, Hermawan, Sherley, Anthony, Michelle, Dado, Dino, and me. We went to there by "angkot" (i don't know in english). After we arrive there, we played bom-bom car. And then watched 3-D "Journey to the Center of the Earth". It was unattractive. 

After we had finished watching, there was raining outside. So we couldn't play. just waiting and waiting. Because the rain didn't stop, so we went to looked for some foods. (sambil hujan-hujanan pastinya) haha. We played star fight (perang bintang) and we was going to eat at KFC. The rain has stopped. My jacket was lost. How lucky I am, I can find it at Perang Bintang.We played "Hysteria". Firstly, i was afraid. but that was no reason for me. I still played it with Michelle, Olivia, Sherley, Herpud, Anthony, Dado, Dino. The scenery is so beautiful in this night, we could see that at the top. Sherley cried after played it. But she enjoyed. Ciayooo sherley ! (: Tiara was sick. So she couldn't played hysteria. You must try it in another occasion les. ^^ Totally  fantastic!! 

We played Kora-kora and bianglala. We was there until 20.00. We went home by busway. After reach home, I went to slept. So sleepy. but interesting. Luv u all, friends (:


September 02, 2010

Eclipse quote

Eclipse Quote
Aku berharap mudah-mudahan aku bisa sekuat yang dikatakannya. Kuat, cepat dan yang terpenting cantik. Seseorang yang bisa berdiri disisi Edward dan merasa dirinya memang pantas berada disana. - Bella -

Two futures, two soul mates, too much for any one person... - Bella -

All of my best nights have happened since I met you - Edward Cullen -

Until your heart stop beating, Bella.I'll be here fighting. - Jacob -
You mean as much as I'd love to kill you, I'm glad she's warm, right ? - Jacob -

Twilight Quote
Satu hal yang kutahu, Aku mencintainya dan cinta itu sangat dalam dan tanpa syarat. - Bella -

I'll never forgive myself for leaving you. Not if I live a hundred thousand years. - Edward Cullen -
If I could dream at all, it would be about you. - Edward Cullen -
I promise to love you forever and every single day of forever - Edward Cullen -

Wise Quotes

Jangan marah pada dirimu sendiri karena kamu tidak bisa membuat orang lain menjadi seperti yang kamu inginkan. Tetapi marahlah pada dirimu sendiri bila kamu tidak dapat membuat dirimu menjadi seperti yang kamu inginkan. - Thomas a Kempis -

To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only one end of life. - Robert Louis Stevenson-

Bukan gunung yang harus kita taklukan, melainkan diri kita sendiri. - Sir Edmund Hillary -

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself . - Leo Tolstoy -

Ketika sebuah pintu tertutup, seringkali kita terlalu lama memandangi pintu yang tertutup itu dengan penuh penyesalan sehingga kita tidak melihat pintu lain yang sedang terbuka untuk kita. - Alexander Graham Bell -

Ketika kau dilahirkan, kau menangis dan dunia bergembira. Jalanilah hidupmu sehingga ketika kau mati, dunia menangis dan kau bergembira. - Pepatah India -

holiday !

Mohon maaf lahir dan batin ! ^^
today is the last day to go to school. I have 2 weeks for holiday. It's fantastic ! Just wanna sleep and eat  and sleep again and eat again. haha

Today is a great day ! wooo. how can i explain and show it ? hmm.. just say " i can do it , i can do it. " like spongebob . I don't be a crybaby who cry and sad everyday only because this problems. NO. You have your life and I have mine . You do whatever you want, and I don't care. Absolutely it's hard but it doesn't mean that I can't to solve them. It's me now. Have many friends and ready to face my future. I hope, I can ensure myself to survive. hmm. one message for today, DON'T THINK TOO MUCH.. (:

Agustus 12, 2010

japanese movie - koizora

Koizora (Sky Of Love)

Genre: Drama, Romance
Category: Japanese Movie

Last fall, over 3 million people were brought to tears by the movie Koizora. The original story of Koizora, by the author Mika, was popularized on the cell phone novel site, Mahou no Land, and since then has been turned into a novel, a movie, and now a drama. The highly popular movie will be turned into a drama, which follows the life of a normal higschool girl who experiences many unbelievably sad events, but through it all proving that love conquers all, and this true love story remains unchanged from the movie. Not only does it simply portray the first love of the highschoolers, it shows the warmth from the family, the importance of life, the bonds with friends, and the common happenings of teens, and through it all Mika and Hiro's love story gets unwound.

translate :
Musim gugur yang lalu, lebih dari 3 juta orang telah dibawa menangis oleh film Koizora. Kisah asli Koizora, oleh penulis Mika, tidak dipopulerkan dalam novel situs selular, Mahou tidak ada negara, dan sejak itu telah berubah menjadi sebuah novel, film dan drama sekarang. Film populer sedang berubah menjadi sebuah drama yang mengikuti kehidupan seorang gadis muda higschool normal, siapa tahu banyak kejadian luar biasa sedih, tapi semua membuktikan bahwa cinta mengalahkan segalanya, dan cerita ini cinta sejati tetap tidak berubah dalam film ini. Tidak hanya cukup untuk menggambarkan cinta pertama Pelajar menengah, hal itu menunjukkan kehangatan keluarga, pentingnya kehidupan, hubungan dengan teman dan kejadian umum remaja, dan melalui semua kisah cinta Mika dan Hiro akan dihentikan.
if you like sad ending, you should to watch it.

Agustus 10, 2010

korean drama - God Of Study

Kang Suk Ho adalah seorang pengacara biasa yang memutuskan untuk mengajar sekelompok mahasiswa memberontak. Dia berjanji untuk mendapatkan lima dari mereka ke universitas paling bergengsi di negeri ini.

Genre: Comedy, Romance, School
Category:Korean Drama
Episodes: 16 

Seok-ho Kang (Kim Soo Ro) is a lawyer and former bike gang member. He then takes a position to revive a third rate high school named "Byeong-Mun High School". To revive the school, Seok-ho Kang needs his students to become accepted into prestigious universities. Because of this, Seok-ho Kang starts a special class and becomes the teacher for that class. Seok-ho Kang takes students, who have bad scores, and guides them to improve not only their scores but their outlook on life. One such student is Baek-hyeon Hwang (Yu Seung-Ho) a defiant and headstrong student who is similar to Seok-ho Kang at that age. Their strong personalities causes them to have clashes, but gradually, Baek-hyeon Hwang opens up to Seok-ho's teaching methods and eventually becomes the best student in the class.

Translate :
Kang-Seok-ho (Kim Soo Ro) adalah sebuah geng sepeda anggota dan mantan pengacara. Dia kemudian mengambil posisi untuk menghidupkan kembali sekolah menengah tingkat ketiga bernama "Byeong-Mun High School. Untuk memulai sekolah, Kang Seok-ho berutang mahasiswa untuk diterima di universitas bergengsi. Jadi, Seok-Ho Kang mulai kelas khusus dan menjadi guru kelas itu. Kang Seok-ho membawa siswa yang memiliki hasil yang buruk, dan panduan untuk meningkatkan tidak hanya nilai mereka, tetapi pandangan mereka terhadap kehidupan. Seperti mahasiswa-hyeon Baek Hwang (Yu Seung-Ho), seorang siswa bangga dan keras kepala, yang mirip dengan Kang Seok-ho pada usia itu. kepribadian yang kuat membuat mereka berkelahi, namun secara bertahap-hyeon Baek Hwang terbuka di metode pengajaran Seok-ho dan akhirnya menjadi murid terbaik di kelas.

my experience ^^

it is the first time for me and can't forget it. I can drive the car by my self. My daddy has trusted me. I drive it from home to Hospital where my daddy was inpatient. I looked my daddy is seems very proud. so do I. ^^

About university. hmm.

I don't have any idea. My daddy wants me to register at UNTAR or UI. i wanna go to UNTAR, cause it's near from my house.. Hmm.. It seems easy . haha.. But i am so confused. I don't know when the register is opened in untar.. can you tell me ? haha

can't wait that time when I go to university and wear free clothes. I still have fun in the senior high school. cause this is the last year I go to school. Many people said that the senior high time is very funny and unforgettable moments. This time can't be back. So just have fun with your time now. . (:

embarrassing moment

in the evening, approximately at 8 pm, i just wanna went to a gas station. because my motorcycle's gas was empty. Ultimately, my turn was come. BUT when I wanna paid, my money was lose ! i forgot to bring it. So i couldn't pay it ! so embarrassing !. The staff didn't say anything. After that i called my daddy to come and bring the money. My daddy just laughed. can't forget it. So the message is don't forget bring your pocket and money if you wanna go somewhere ! hahaha

Juli 16, 2010


I and my old friend, Risa. (:

Juni 30, 2010

Illana Tan

I was given the book by my best fren for my birthday. the story is amazing. Illana tan has made 4 novels. and I have read all. you should read it also. My fav are autumn in Paris and Winter in Tokyo. (:
by the way. Thanks Claritia. ^^

Juni 29, 2010

chain of sweet memories (:

i make this picture by myself. hehehe do you like it ? absolutely it's hard to make it in anime version. because to many faces and it needs much time. however it's simple indeed, but i like that. hahahah. 
by the way, my friend has made the anime version. my the other friends so like the picture. that's extremely nice pic ! thx Olivia (: 

i so miss the time when i was in the first senior high school and met new friends. many events that can't be forgotten. we used to hang out and have fun, gather and chatter. we went to dufan and playing to much until totally exhausted. hahha. :D now, we are separate, but it is not an obstacle for us to gather and hang out. hahahah.. because today saturday 26th we go to pv mall and watching a movie. initially, we don't know what movie to watch. finally we watch knight and day for mature. hahahaha. but we already watch it. i thought that the movie is good. have a lunch and go to beach (i think that call is beach ). take many photos. until rain comes and we go home. huff. this day is very very funny. come on friends, go somewhere again in this holiday !! MySpace

Juni 25, 2010


i have 2 weeks for holiday and have fun. Tomorrow, im going to have fun with my friends. karaoke n shopping maybe. hahaha.
sometimes I feel that I am stupid, innocent, and whatever. arghhhhh. can't show my feeling in words. Absolutely, I am extremely totally crazy about my problem.

Juni 10, 2010

tell me

Occasionally I feel like abandoned in this crowded. Nobody can be believed. You tell me that you're my friend. But now, I can't feel that friendship we have. I'm not perfect so that I will need your support. It's what friends are for, isn't ? I wanna understand and be understood. Just tell me the truth and it'll be clear. (:

Juni 09, 2010

GO swimming !

Swimming pool, I'm coming ! haha Today, I go to waterbom pik with my daddy and litter sis. Eventually after six years, I can go to swimming pool again. I go there on Sunday after I had exam (despite I have one exam again on Monday). hahaha. I really enjoy ! Wanna go there someday again with my friends. My daddy said that it was good idea to asked my friends to go there for enjoying our holiday time. Furthermore, it's boring if i can't go anywhere in this holiday. Any suggestion to fulfill my holiday time with gratify activities ? (:

Juni 06, 2010

i hate you !

I'm loosing my patience. you always make me angry. almost every time, especially in the night u always there and bothering me . I HATE YOU without hesitation ! I never will like you. leave me alone please ! I don't need you. you can make me sick. I trust, nobody like you. because you're dope and irritating. Why you should be there, mosquito ???

Mei 24, 2010

For God ❤

Jika hari ini kamu dihadapkan kesulitan dan merasa sendiri. Biarlah kamu berkata "Tuhan Sertai Jalanku." Yoh 15 : 7

Setiap perkara yang membuat qt saling melukai & merasa dilukai. Selesaikanlah semuanya itu.

Hendaklah kamu lambat untuk marah dan cepat untuk menyesal dan memaafkan - Itulah kunci salah satu sukacita -

Yang Tuhan mau adl doa yang sungguh",bukan berapa kali kita berdoa
Yang Tuhan mau adl doa yang disertai sengan ucapan syukur

Doa yang tepat adl "Tuhan jangan berikan yang aku inginkan tetapi berilah yang terbaik bagiku sesuai KehendakMu."

Jangan pernah membandingkan dirimu dengan siapapun, karena tiap manusia memang tidak pernah diciptakan untuk saling diperbandingkan.

Sebaik-baiknya peniru, masih lebih baik orang yang menjadi dirinya sendiri
Belajarlah dari oranglain, jangan belajar menjadi orang lain.

Campur tangan Tuhan mampu mengubah pahit menjadi Kasih dan Indah. Indah pada waktuNya.

Tuhan kuatkan lah imanku kepadaMu dan semoga aku semakin mengenal Mu.

Kau beri aku cinta kasih yang tidak perah habis saat aku merasa benar benar sendiri.


Perhatian ibu begitu besar padaku
Aku begitu senang
Untukmu ibuku
Lama kurenungkan nasihatmu
Indah semuanya
Niatku menjadi anak berbakti
Agar berguna bagi semua

Waktu terus berlalu
Ingatan melekat selalu
Nun jauh disana
Impian jadi anak berbakti
Niatku tulus dari lubuk hati
Damai sejahtera bagi ayah & ibu
Akan menyertai kalian selamanya.

with love ~

My Pray *

Tuhan dengan kasih
Kau menghidupkan makhluk hidup
Dengan kata - kata
Kau membawaku dekat padaMu

Jika aku bungkuk karena beban dan
Jika aku tersandung batu
Papahlah aku

Kau menerima orang-orang lemah
Menghibur orang-orang yang bersedih
Membantu yang menderita

Bila aku melakukan sesuatu yang salah
Tegur aku ya Tuhan
aku takut mengulangi untuk kedua kalinya.
Terimalah aku ini didalam KerjaanMu.

poem - LELAH

awan berarak seakan mengawasiku
terik matahari terlalu panas tuk kurasa
perjalanan seakan tiada henti
mengejar jawaban yang tak kunjung datang
kutanya pada burung yang berkicau
tak ada jawaban
kutanya pada rumput yang bergoyang
semua membisu
Lelah ...
LELAH aku menghadapi ini
aku ingin kembali
kembali menjadi diriku sendiri.

Mei 23, 2010

Two is better than One.

I see the doubt in your eyes
there is a sorrow
I don't know why this all began

it's hurt to say for me
sayin' i'm fine
hard to walk alone

you don't need to smile
if you hurt inside
you can hold my hand
and you'll see
there is someone who cares

I wanna see your smile
laugh together
reach our dreams
coz' I'm thinkin'
Two is Better Than One

Mei 22, 2010

penyakit manusia dan penyembuhannya

Macam - macam penyakit dari luka batin :

1. Penyakit sealu merasa paling menderita didunia, Tuhan tidak pernah adil, tidak pernah mendengar doa dan mengabulkannya.

Penyembuhannya :
a. Philipi 4 : 2-6 (Nyatakanlah segalanya dalam doa dengan ucapan terimakasih).
b. Mazmur 23 : 1-6 (Tuhanlah Gembalaku)

Kesaksian : Biasanya setelah merasa berterimakasih karena Tuhan banyak membantu kita dan kita tidak meminta hal yang bersifat duniawai namun memuji dan memuliakan Tuhan terus, maka Tuhan akan memberikan sesuatu yang tidak kita duga.

2. Penyakit selalu ingin dipuja, ingin menjadi yang terdepan, tidak pernah mau dikalahkan, menjadi yang nomor satu, dan selalu menganggap orang lain remeh dan sering mengeluarkan kata - kata pedas. Padahal dihadapan Tuhan orang yang menerima cacian dan mengampuni akan menerima pahala sedangkan yang meremehkan mendapat satu dosa tambahan lagi.

Penyembuhannya :
a. Matius 18 : 1-5 (Orang yang merendahkan diri yang terdepan)
b. Matius 20 : 20-28 (Menjadi yang mulia harus menjadi pelayan)

Kesaksian : Ada seorang Bos Lippo Bank, saat digereja ia membawa kolekte sambil mengatakan " Saya menjadi pelayan saja sudah bahagia".

3. Kebencian dan dendam yang berlalur larut terhadap sesama (saudara, teman, tetangga, dll)

Penyembuhannya :
a. Lukas 7 :1-5 (hal menghakimi sesama)
b. Lukas 10 : 25-37 (orang samaria yang baik hati)

Kesaksian :
a. Teman yang sukses dari susah, namun hidupnya menderita karena mendendam atas pilh kasih dari orangtuanya kepada adiknya sehingga ia selalu membenci saudaranya, orangtuanya, dll.
b. Carter foundation menceritakan tentang seorang anak yang diperkosa ayahnya sehingga ia menjadi buta.
c. Kesaksian Nico Kily-kily dari kecil selalu diadu tinju dengan kakaknya untuk mendapatkan sesuatu karena ayahnya petinju sehingga saat dewasa, ia menjadi bos preman.
d. Seorang sakit kanker jantung stadium 4 ternyata seorang pendendam berat terhadap temannya, setelah berkonsultasi dengan Romo, ia memaafkan temannya dengan tulus dan akhirnya kanker tersebut hilang !

Mei 16, 2010

Valentine's Day

            On February 14th, we always celebrate valentine’s day. In habit, everyone gives something to someone such as flowers or chocolates. It’s kind habit and we are proper to celebrate it. Why is should be celebrated ?
            The first reason is everyone can share their affection and love. Love can combine everyone in this world. It can go over the limit of religious, country, and culture. We can give love to parents, children, cousin, friends, orphans , paupers, etc because valentine’s day is not only intended to boy or girl friend.
            Secondly, affection and love need struggle. In example, St. Valentine was killed by Caesar Claudius II. Caesar forbade every young boy to marry because he thought that young boy is stronger  to fight in war than married person. St. Valentine forbade Caesar’s law. He helped people to marry. Eventually he was caught and killed by Caesar.
            Thirdly, despite love should be given everyday, but if we can provide one day more special than usual, why not ?
            Fourthly, Valentine is an opportunity to do something more to person who we loved. It is like helping your mother or give something to paupers, etc. we can express our feeling with different way.
            The last, on Valentine’s day, we usually give flowers or chocolates. Do you know, what is benefit of chocolate ? Chocolate has many benefits such as reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and as an antioxidant that can make a long life. “ Chocolate can improve the blood circulation ,”said Njike in her presentation at annual meeting at American college of Cardiology Scientific in New Orleans.
            Based on the reasons above, we should respect the valentine’s day, despite we have different religious and culture. (:

Mei 15, 2010

my slipper

Two week ago, I went to carefour with my family. I wore a simple T-shirt and pants. I wore a pair of slippers also. I was looking around when my mother bought her necessities. Suddenly my slipper was broken when I walked. I was totally embarrassing because people saw me and laughed at me. I was  walked quickly and went out from the carefour. After that my mother bought a new pair of slippers for me, despite they were simple. I was still lucky and grateful because there were no of my friends seeing the incident. MySpace

April 11, 2010

i know them

I don't want to be a scapegoat when everything goes wrong. Don't be mocking me ! Don't underestimate me ! Cause, I dun like it at all. Who you are to do such a thing to me ?? It is awfully pathetic. I fell that I am abandoned if I can't do something.

I want to be a part of them but occasionally my parent don't support me, and when that happens, I feel so lonely. Lonely cause everybody are busy with their own occupation.

But I have been thinking about this for awhile. Perhaps,my parent have a good way for me. They will give me
a good mature. Well, I confess that sometimes parent also will make a mistake.

So, I learned something new today. There are :
1. I have to be a mature
2. I should to be an independent girl
3. I have to be a self confident person
4. Be a positive thinker
5. the last but not the least. always grateful for what I have and learn to love God more deeply.
In God I trust ! (:

Maret 23, 2010

a true friend

you're here
but I saw you there
There's sorrow in my heart
you never know

there's always laughing behind weeping
I never understand
meaning of friend in your eyes

I just wanna yelling !
until the wind knows what I fell
until the wind sends all of it
until you know what exactly I need

like crying in the rain
you never know
meaning of every each of tears

Maret 21, 2010

Nobody's Child

I'm very grateful with what I have already. There are many children don't have a family. Many children are orphan without affection from their parents or forbearance and good future indeed. That the reason I'm awfully grateful for who I am, what I have.

Many children can't be like me. No mommy's kisses and no daddy's smile. Like a flower, they are growing wild. There for, u shouldn't to be fussy for what u already get. MySpace

crazy friendship :D

I have already made "SIM" and "KTP". It had been taking time for 4 hours and made me sleepy. In addition, I couldn't go to meeting or companionship. Just luckily that the meeting had already canceled when I went. My daddy said that I had to be mature from now. I think, I should to starting from sociable with another people and be positive thinking for everything. MySpace

After reached home, I got a message from my friend who visited me to go his friend's house. And I went there. In there, we played many games, from funny games until crazy games. hahaha. We played card games, we call it " tepok nyamuk" (I dun know in English tepok nyamuk. hha)and " snack and stairs ".

After finishing it, we played bicycle and then went to other friend's house. We took many photos there. And the truly funny time is we made a story from the photos which already taken by us. That is crazy games but unpredicted moment. MySpace

Februari 26, 2010


I could write this blog now because I just get online.. This is very late.. This valentine i didn't make chocolate at all. I have many assignment, must keep my little bro n sis, must do all my homework and all all.. I want give chocolate to my friends, but i don't want to buy it. I just wanna make it by myself indeed.

Beside that, I got some chocolate from my friends. There are many for me.

Oh, almost forgotten.. I got some gifts from my friends to me.. There are birthday gifts..
There are some another gifts. I don't take the photos. 
Thank you all.. I love it and will keep it.. (:


my sweet seventeen (:

18/02/2010.. This is special day for me.. This is my SWEET SEVENTEEN's birthday. Despite my parents and i don't celebrate that, i'm still happy. Besides that my parents make a small surprise to me at home. My daddy bought a cute pink cake.. hehehe.. and he give me a beautiful necklace. It's awfully exciting. My mom cooked many foods. There are awfully delicious.. Hm yummy. I will never forget this day.. (:

In addition, on this day i couldn't go anywhere. That is happened because I had assignment where I had to made keychain. So my friend came to my house and did it together. I did it at 15.00 until 22.00.. So sleepy and exhausting. Sad truly !!! :(

This is my cake..Sweet Cake surely !! hahaha

Thank you for your forbearance..
Thank you for your affection..
Thank you because you always bothering about myself..
Thank you for all what you have provided to me..
Thank you for all your attention to me, you re my good parents for me..
I say sorry from the bottom of my heart because as long as I always make you worry about me. 

With Pray and Love

Januari 29, 2010

jewel - Ayumi Hamasaki

Haiiro no shikakui Sora no shita wo kyou mo
Arayuru yokubou ga Ume tsukusu
Sono naka de hikari wo Mi ushinawazu mae wo
Muite arukeru no wa Itsumo Kimi ga
Kono machi no katasumi ni mo Kegare no nai
Mono ga nokotte iru koto Oshiete kureru kara

Tsukare hateta karada de Nemuri ni tsuita kimi wo
Boku wa iki wo hisomete Mite ita
Sekaijuu de Tada hitori Boku dake ga shitte iru
Muboubi de Itoshii Yokogao

Atarimae no you ni Hizashi ga furi sosogi
Yasashii kaze Yureta Aru hi no koto
Boku no naka de Nani ka ga Sotto tsuyoku
Tashika ni kawatte yuku no wo Hitori Kanjite ita

Kanashiku nanka nai no ni Namida ga koboreta no wa
Kimi no omoi ga itai kurai ni
Boku no mune no oku no Kizuato ni shimi konde
Yasashisa ni Kaete kureta kara

Moshi mo Kimi ga fukai Kanashimi ni deattara
Boku ni mo Wakete kureru to ii na
Sono egao no tame nara Nan datte dekiru darou
Boku no taisetsu na takaramono

Boku no taisetsu na takaramono

love destiny - Ayumi Hamasaki

Nee honto wa eien nante nai koto
Watashi wa itsu kara ki zuite itan darou
Nee sore demo futari de sugoshite hibi wa
Uso ja nakatta koto dare yori hokoreru
Ikite kita jikan no nagasa wa sukoshi dake chigau keredomo
Tada deaeta koto ni tada ai shita koto ni
La la la la wasurenai

Nee doushite konna ni mo kurushii no ni
Anata ja nakya dame de soba ni itain darou
Nee sore demo hon no sasayaka na koto wo
Shiawase ni omoeru jibun ni nareta arifureta koto demo
Futari de kawasu nara imi wo motsu kara
Tada deaeta koto de tada ai shita koto de
Omoiaeta koto de kore kara mo shinjitsu to genjitsu no subete kara
Me wo sorasazu ni ikite iku akashi ni sureba ii

Tada deaeta koto wo tada ai shita koto wo
Nido to aenakutemo
La la la la wasurenai


One Love – Acel Bisa

Higher than the sky above you
Clearer than blue
Brighter than the rays of sunshine
Warmer than what you feel
More than all the wonders you see
It’s the most wonderful thing

Brighter than the living colors of flowers you see
Sweeter than the touch of water
Flowing from the mountain spring
More than all the wonders you see
It’s the most wonderful thing

One love…
I love you so
Love is the beautiful one
I love you so
Love is the beautiful one
All we need is love
Real love

Marvel at the sight of greenfields
Amazingly seen
Watch the colors of the rainbow
It’s a miracle you see
More than all the wonders can be
But there’s more than that

One Love…
I love you so
Love is the beautiful one
Greater than what you can feel
More than what you ever dreamed
This is better than your everything

One love…
I love you so
Love is the beautiful one
All we need is love
One love
Malge gaein jeonop’eun haneul geu p’ureumboda
Palgebich’in nunbushin haessal geuddaseuhamboda deo
Gaseumbeogch’an dan hana keugeon sarangigettjyo
Haljjag p’ieooreun jeo pomch’ae geu hyanggiboda
Ch’eukch’eukhage jeokshineun pombi geu dal k’om han boda deo
Gamiroun dan hana isesang hanappunin one love

"I love you" say it, Love is the beautiful one
"I love you" say it, Love is the beautiful one
All we need is love Real love

Ch’orok mulggyeol neomch’ineun deulp’an geu seollemboda
Hanggeot sunohajin mujigae geu ch’anranham buda deo
Areumdaun dan hana isesang hanappunin one love

Eotteon gamjongbodado eotteon p’yohyeonbodado
Sunsuhan gajang areumdaun geon sarangijyo

"I love you" say it, Love is the beautiful one
"I love you" say it, Love is the beautiful one
"I love you" say it, Love is the beautiful one
"I love you" say it, Love is the beautiful one

Love is Punishment (사랑은 벌이다)

neoreul bojimalgeol geuraesseo
dareun sesangeseo salgeoseul

geujeo moreuneun sarameuro sandamyeon
ireon apeumttawineun mollasseulteni..

maeil maeil neoreul jiugo
maeil maeil neoreul beoryeodo

naemameun imi neoreul kkok sumginchae
nohajuji anha sarangira bureumyeo..

sarangeun haengbogira mitgo isseonneunde
malmotaneun sarangeun haneuri jun beorilppuniya

neoman saranghamyeon mami jeoryeoseo
nunmulman humchimyeo saraganikka..

neo ireoneun beoreul ijeosseo
ibeurodo neoreul ijeosseo

gakkeumssik sure chwihae naesarangeul malhaebeoril geot gata
geuge geobi nal ppunya..

sarangeun haengbogira mitgo isseonneunde
malmotaneun sarangeun haneuri jun beorilppppuniya

neoman saranghamyeon mami jeoryeoseo
nunmulman humchimyeo saraganikka..

kkumeseo sarangeul halkka
ulgo tto uldaga jichyeoseo
jami deureo bojiman

kkaego namyeon haruga neul ttokgateunde..
neol saranghae ireoke saranghago isseo

niga eomneun goseseo nammollae sarangeul malhaebwa
hoksi niga deutgo daranalkkabwa
amudo moreuge saranghajanha…
Seandainya saya tidak akan pernah boleh melihatmu
bila aku akan hidup di kehidupan lain

bila aku menjalani kehidupan sebagai orang lain
Segala Kesedihan yang begini aku tidak akan mengetahuinya

Seandainya aku tidak akan pernah boleh melihatmu
bila aku akan hidup di kehidupan lain

bila aku menjalani kehidupan sebagai orang lain
Segala Kesedihan yang seperti ini takkan pernah kuketahui

Setiap hari aku melupakanmu
Setiap hari aku meninggalkanmu

Dalam hatiku sungguh aku telah merahasiakanmu
Tidak akan melepaskan untuk mengatakan kata cinta

aku percaya bahwa cinta membuat bahagia, namun
Ketidakmampuan mengatakan cinta adalah surga yang hanya memberikan hukumannya

Aku hanya mencintaimu, bila aku mencintaimu hatiku sangat nyeri
Hidup ini hanya ada airmata yang membuat luka

Seperti ini aku telah melupakan siksaan ini
iucapanku pun telah melupakanmu

terkadang  saat mabuk seakan aku akan mengatakan cintaku
sungguh itu saat yang menakutkan

aku percaya bahwa cinta itu adalah kebahagiaan,namun..
ketidakmampuan mengucapkan kata cinta adalah surga yang hanya memberikan hukuman saja

Aku hanya mencintaimu, bila mencintaimu hatiku sangat nyeri
Hidup ini hanya ada airmata yang membuat luka,

Akankah aku mencintaimu dalam mimpi..
Menangis dan menangis lagi hingga lelah sekali

Hingga tertidur, bangun dan kapanpun hari kembali seperti itu
Seperti ini aku mencintaimu

Bila kau tak ada, aku mencoba mengatakan cinta
mungkin saja engkau mendengar dan kau akan lari dariku
apapun membodohkanku bahwa aku mencintaimu

Januari 23, 2010

agar" dan kacang ijo..


bahan :
2 sachet agar"
1 tsp salt
2 daun pandan

cara membuat :
1. kelapa yg diparut, diambil air nya.. (diperas dengan air)
2. Masukkan agar-agar ke air kelapa (1 sachet agar" membutuhkan 3 gelas air kelapa)
3. Masukkan sedikit garam (1 sendok teh)
4. Masukkan daun pandan
5. Rebus bahan bahan tadi hingga panas sambil terus diaduk
6. Masukkan gula secukupnya hingga manis
7. Aduk hingga mendidih (terus diaduk agar tidak mengental). kemudian angkat daun pandan nya
8. Siapkan cetakan agar".
    Potong buah nangka dan kelapa, taruh dicetakan, kemudian masukkan air agar" yg sudah mendidih ke cetakan.
9. Tunggu hingga dingin. Lalu masukkan ke dalam kulkas
10. Potong , dan siap disajikan (:

Kacang ijo

bahan :
1/4 kacang ijo
1 panci kecil air
gula secukupnya
2 daun pandan

Cara membuat :
1. bersihkan kacang ijo dan rebus kacang ijo dengan air dengan api kecil
2. masukkan daun pandan. masukkan jahe yg telah dikupas.
tunggu hingga kacang ijo mekar
3. setelah kacang ijo nya mekar, masukkan gula putih. Aduk
4. Tunggu hingga gulanya merata
5. Siap untuk disajikan. (:

Is it you ?

Cassie - Is It You Lyrics
I'm looking for a lover not a friend
Somebody who can be there when I need someone to talk to
I'm looking for someone who won't pretend
Somebody not afraid to say the way they feel about you

And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
Baby I like to have you in my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Wants to share, shows he cares
Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me? (Could you be?)
Could you be the one I need?

I'm looking for someone to share my pain (Uh)
Someone who I can run to, who would stay with me when it rains
Someone who I can cry with trough the night
Someone who I can trust who's hardest right
And I'm looking for someone

And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
Baby I like to have you in my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Want to share, shows he cares
Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be this one I need?

Take for grant
How much I care (How much I care)
And appreciates that I'm there
Someone who listens
And someone I can call who isn't afraid of thought to share

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

I like her voice..
you should to listen it. (:

Januari 22, 2010


Mature. I have been thinking about it for awhile. I always just think about myself. It is awfully moron. Nobody can life alone. They need another people in this world. hupff ~ I got new problem today. not only today but yesterday also. I didn't do my assignment well. it is Obvious that my teacher got angry with me. but it was not my fault. I just wanna, the other people can understand about me. I need their attention also.

I wanna have good friends. I just have to have one best friend than 1000 friends who can make me woozy. Hmm, but i still is lucky. I am very grateful for what happen in my life today or yesterday. It's a miracle. I can take a positive matter. like, i was got an occasion from my teacher and i will not replied the same fault in the next time.

it is a well known fact that we have many assignment from the teachers or another activities. It's spend my time indeed ! I hate to tell this that I am a bit lazy to do all. So exhausted. Hm, almost forget, i have one assignment for Monday, that is a presentation. I must prepared it. not only prepared the necessities but also more prepared to my self. chin up ! (:

Januari 21, 2010

Sang Pemimpi

Sang Pemimpi adalah novel kedua dalam tetralogi Laskar Pelangi karya Andrea Hirata.
Novel ini menceritakan tentang hubungan persahabatan dan persaudaraan antara Ikal, Arai dan Jimbron.Ikal adalah tokoh dari Laskah Pelangi. Arai adalah saudara jauh yang yatim piatu dan ia termasuk anggota keluarga yang terakhir. Tak ad lagi yang tersisa dari keturunannya dan akhirnya menjadi saudara angkat dari Ikal. Arai adalah seseorang yang mampu melihat keindahan di balik sesuatu, sangat optimis dan selalu melihat suatu peristiwa dari kaca mata yang positif. Arai adalah sosok yang begitu spontan dan jenaka, seolah tak ada sesuatupun di dunia ini yang akan membuatnya sedih dan patah semangat. Jimbron adalah seorang yatim piatu yang terobsesi dengan kuda dan gagap bila sedang antusias terhadap sesuatu atau ketika gugup. gagapnya berhubungan dengan sebuah peristiwa tragis yang memilukan yang dia alami ketika masih SD yaitu ketika ayahnya sekarat di depan matanya dan akhirnya meninggal dunia.

Ketiganya bersahabat sejak kecil sampai mereka bersekolah di SMA Negeri Manggar, SMA pertama yang berdiri di Belitung bagian timur. Bersekolah di pagi hari dan bekerja pada sore hari untuk mengejar mimpi mereka. Mereka bekerja sebagai kuli di pelabuhan ikan. Ada pula kisah cinta antara Arai dengan Nurmala, atau Jimbron dengan Laksmi.Setelah berjuang cukup lama, menempuh brbagai kesulitan, akhirnya Ikal dan Arai berangkat ke Jakarta untuk kuliah dan mengejar beasiswa. Setelah lulus dari fakultas, mereka terpisah dan mulai mencari jalan sendiri. Namun pada akhirnya mereka pun bertemu kembali di Perancis. Hidup mandiri terpisah dari orang tua dengan latar belakang kondisi ekonomi yang sangat terbatas namun punya cita-cita besar , sebuah cita-cita yang bila dilihat dari latar belakang kehidupan mereka, hanyalah sebuah mimpi.

good story and good movie.
i like it. (: